Operation Eaglet Rescue #2

The Bald Eagle nesting season this year has been full of surprises. Recently, one of the three chicks located at the Bald Canyon nest on San Clemente Island took a dive from the nest. Members of IWS were quick on the scene and operation eaglet rescue was a huge success!

Getting a physical and some fluids. Holding a piece of fish with its left foot.

The Bald Canyon bald eagle chick laying in the canyon bottom below the nest.

The Bald Canyon eaglet back in the nest (left) with its siblings (sleeping on right).

The rescue crew, Nicole and Ben. Nicole is carrying the 12' telescoping ladder strapped to a frame pack.


Eaglet Rescue Update:

The timeline was incredibly tight and the crew got out of SHOBA (https://www.islapedia.com/index.php?title=SHOBA,_San_Clemente_Island) with 5 minutes to spare!), but fortunately everything went well with flights to the island on Monday morning and there were no major delays once on the island. As suspected, the chick fell off the front side of the nest, which is a pretty nasty fall into the canyon below, but its fall was likely broken about half way down by some Rhus branches. Very fortunately, it landed at the top of the waterfall in the canyon below, rather than tumbling down another 2-3 meters. The crew found the chick laying in the bottom of the drainage with no apparent major injuries. When they picked up the chick, it was holding a good size chunk of fish in one foot, and laying on another chunk. A thorough evaluation revealed no signs of injury except for a small amount of dried blood on one of the knees. It was feisty and did not present with any behavior to suggest it was not doing well. This section of canyon is well shaded, and the chick had clearly been eating (food in crop), so it received minimal fluids (10 cc) in the interest of time. It went back in the nest with no problem and a few rails were added to the edges of the nest. The other two chicks slept through the whole thing.

Thank you to Deke for lots of coordination (on his days off, no less), to Ariel for help with medical supplies, to Ben for his enthusiastic willingness to go on the adventure with Nicole, to LT Kinzie for his flexibility and cooperation, and to the good people at the NASNI air terminal and Rampart Aviation.