Bald Eagle

93 Speeding

Over the Channel Islands

93 in flight

93 return flight

A17 trapped

A17 poised

A17 free

Placing decoys


Hack tower

Monitored and proud
Island Fox

San Clemente Island fox in trap

Fox pup

Fox teeth exam

Fox habitat - SCI

Greta with fox - SCI




Look both ways

On the rocks

Pup Pen 22


Removing from trap

San Clemente Island fox with contact collar

San Nicolas Island fox

San Nicolas Island fox

SCAT Release Collar

Sometimes docile

SRI fox pup



Well bred pups

Wild pup

San Nicolas Island Fox


Be careful

Closely examined

Collared on dunes

Dave and Pete with SCI fox

Dave assessing body condition of SNI fox
San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike

Back to the nest

Banding a juvenile

Banding an adult

Banding station

Box Canyon Male 3

Male showing bands

Day one

Family on food tub

Feeder with shrike

Growing coverts

Justyn banding an adult

Male from TOTA nest

Metatarsal measurement

More feather growth

Reaching for nestlings

Ready for banding

Release cage for captive-bred shrikes

Roadside shrike

San Clemente Island

Perch and search

Begging for food

Feather tracts

Checking wing condition

San Clemente Bell’s Sparrow

Action shot

Banded nestling

Banded Bell's on the ground

Bell's in-hand

Eating seeds

Fluffed up

Freshly fledged

Hatch year bird

Molly and her best friend

Nest eggs

Sparrow habitat

Weighing a sparrow