Austin Toland

Wildlife Biologist


  • B.S. Biology; University of Redlands - 2023.

Research/Career Interests

I work for IWS as a member of the Predator Research and Ecosystem Management program on San Clemente Island. The objective of our project is to control invasive species that pose risks to native species such as the Island Fox, Bell’s Sparrow, and the endangered Loggerhead Shrike.

 Before working at IWS I worked for the San Diego Audubon Society as a naturalist guide. As part of that position I taught youth in the San Diego school districts about the habitats of Southern California, as well as the plants and wildlife that inhabit them. I also spent the summer of 2024 as a wildlife biologist along the Oregon coast surveying for a state listed endangered bird, the Marbled Murrelet. During my time at the University of Redlands, I conducted a research project along with my professor and another student assessing the effects of a modified method we designed for monitoring organisms in the order Hymenoptera (bees, ants, and wasps).

 In my free time I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, and hanging out with friends and family. For as long as I could remember, I have always wanted to work with wildlife in the outdoors. Getting to do work that protects wildlife as a career has been my greatest pleasure and accomplishment.

Contributing Author



Nancy Stufflebeam


Erek Valesky