Destiny Saucedo

Wildlife Biologist


B.S. Wildlife Conservation Biology - Humboldt State University 2019

M.S. Natural Resources (Wildlife) - Cal Poly Humboldt (Expected Graduation Year: 2025)

Research/Career Interests

I have been working with IWS on the San Clemente Island Fox Monitoring Program since January 2021. Our team collects island-wide demographic data and samples for pathology investigations, administers vaccinations, and equips individuals with radio collars for year-round monitoring. We also provide veterinary care for sick and injured foxes in our wildlife research hospital, better known as the 'Foxpital'. All data collected is analyzed and monitored to identify any immediate threats or declines to the SCI fox population.

I was born and raised in the urban jungle of Los Angeles, California, where my early fascination with wildlife documentaries and urban wildlife fueled my lifelong dedication to wildlife conservation. My enthusiastic persistence to contribute to conservation has given me the opportunity to work with a variety of species throughout the world. Through these experiences, I have gained a particular interest in the ecology and behavior of mammals, conservation of endangered species, conflict management, and conservation outreach. After receiving my B.S. from HSU, I relocated to Sri Lanka as the Program Manager for a wildlife organization that focuses on conservation for the elusive and endangered fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus). I operated throughout Sri Lanka and India, managing communication with land partners, reforestation efforts, fishing cat population monitoring, and educational outreach programs. Since my return to the States, I have been actively engaged with IWS, and thanks to this remarkable organization, I am presently enrolled in an M.S. program at Cal Poly Humboldt. My studies focus on the analysis of San Clemente Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis clementae) pup mortality and maternal home range.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time outdoors, wildlife photography, playing instruments, and the many random hobbies that I pick up along the way. My interest in wildlife at a young age started me on this career path, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life dedicated to protecting and conserving the unique fauna and flora that we live among.


Monitoring, Treatment and Outreach: 35 Years of Island Fox Conservation on San Clemente Island. Ariel Gonzalez, Hunter Cole, Destiny Saucedo, Melissa Booker and David Garcelon. Presented at the 10th California Islands Symposium, 6-9 November 2023, Ventura, CA.


Nicole Rita


Megan Senour