Thank You for Your Support!

Support Options

There are many ways that you can help support the Bald Eagle & Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project, using the options above. Institute for Wildlife Studies is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us continue our bald eagle and peregrine falcon conservation efforts. You may make a secure contribution online using PayPal (no PayPal account necessary), or you can write a check payable to Institute for Wildlife Studies, and send it to:

Institute for Wildlife Studies
P.O. Box 1104
Arcata, CA 95518

Single & Recurring Contributions

To make a single or recurring donation, click the Donate button below.

IWS Clothing, Hats, & More

IWS-branded clothing, hats, and other items are now exclusively available from our online store. Please show your support of our efforts by visiting the

Bald Eagle & Peregrine Falcon Support Store.

IWS Notecards - $15 for a Set of Five

Photography and Design by Nancee Wells


IWS would like to thank Nancee Wells, who volunteered as the IWS membership coordinator for many years.

Her volunteer time, her donations, and her considerable talents - have been nothing short of amazing!