Zachary Henke

Crew Leader
San Clemente Island Predator Research & Ecosystem Management


A.A. Liberal Arts: Math and Science; Los Medanos College, 2017.

B.A. Environmental Studies (physical environment option); California State University East Bay, 2021.


I work for IWS as a member of the Predator Research and Ecosystem Management program. The main objective of our department is to control the invasive predator populations on San Clemente Island with the goal of preserving native species such as the Island Fox, the Bell Sparrow and the endangered Loggerhead Shrike.

I was born in Colorado and have been a California Resident since the age of 5. I grew up with an immense fascination and love for the outdoors/wildlife which has pushed me to pursue a career in the environmental field.

Before working for IWS I had spent eight years working in the Veterinary Field, five of which were spent working as a Veterinary Technician with the last two years focused primarily on assisting in surgery and dentistry. I have also completed two internships with the National Park Service where I was involved in a herpetological study focusing on population demographics of the federally endangered Alameda Whip Snake at John Muir National Historic Site, and invasive species control of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Cumberland Gap National Historic Park.


Andres Hayes


Brian Hudgens