Caleb Blevins

Wildlife Biologist


B.S. Freshwater Fisheries Biology, Cal Poly Humboldt 2024

Research/Career Interests

I work for IWS as a member of the Predator Research and Ecosystem Management program on San Clemente Island located off the coast of Southern California. Our program is tasked with the control of invasive species that prey upon or compete with species such as the Channel Island Fox, Bell’s Sparrow, and the endangered Loggerhead Shrike.

I was born in San Diego and have spent my whole life living in California. I began fishing at a very young age, but this quickly developed into a greater love for the outdoors as a whole. As I began to expand my interests, I realized that my passion for wildlife was just as big, if not bigger, than my passion for fish. I graduated from Cal Poly Humboldt in May of 2024 with a degree in Freshwater Fisheries management, and I began working in the fisheries sector before starting here at IWS.

In my free time I can be found camping, hunting, fishing, and exploring the wilderness that California has to offer. I knew from a young age that the outdoors was my passion, and I hope to continue working to protect the environment throughout the rest of my life in hopes that future generations will have the same experiences and opportunities that I have been lucky enough to have.





Elaine Beaudoin


Laura Bruseo