Elaine Beaudoin

Wildlife Biologist


  • B.S. Biology concentration Ecology; California Polytechnic State University - 2018

Research/Career Interests

I started working with the Institute for Wildlife Studies in February of 2024 as a seasonal technician, but continued on as a permanent biologist on the shrike monitoring team. My ornithological interests and expertise include threatened and endangered species, behavioral ecology, migration and dispersal, translocations, introductions, wildlife rehabilitation, captive care, and climate resilience. While growing up on the Central Coast of California, I gained a love for birds, wildlife, and ecology through the curiosity of wild environments, fishing, and outdoor play. I received a BS from California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo) in 2018 before heading to Hawaii to start a career in avian ecology.

Most of my career as a biologist has been studying species demography, foraging ecology, behavior, translocations, species management and recovery, and working on projects to enhance the climate resiliency of at-risk species. I spent 4 years working for the USFWS where I was fortunate enough to travel and work on various pacific islands including--Midway Atoll NWR, Laysan Island, Johnston Atoll, Tern Island, Honolulu assorted National Wildlife Refuges, and Hakalau NWR. These vast regions contributed to me studying seabirds, waterbirds, forest birds, and island ecology/restoration. To broaden my horizons, I then spent two seasons working for the Audubon Society’s Seabird Institute on Seal Island NWR monitoring Atlantic puffins, razorbills, black guillemots, Common terns, Artic terns, and great cormorants. During these seasons I also was a research assistant to a PhD student studying the foraging ecology of Common and Artic terns with GPS and geo tags. Beyond work I enjoy connecting with community and land through foraging, free diving, surfing, exploring, photography, playing music, reading, and creating in the kitchen for friends and loved ones.

Contributing Author




Nathan Bartels


Caleb Blevins